Think Outside the Box Edge Rimless Eyewear Contest
Our first “Think Outside the Box Edge” Rimless Eyewear Contest was such a hit, we’re bringing it back! Create a pair (or two, or three…) of unique, creative rimless eyewear using your lens edger’s innovative Design Cut technology. The design concept is entirely up to you, but we’d love to see some holiday-themed specs in the mix (Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, all are welcomed)!
All entries will be displayed on our Facebook page, and winning entries will be showcased at our Vision Expo East booth this year. In addition to bragging rights, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize winners will receive $500, $250 and $100, respectively, toward any purchase within Santinelli International’s ever-expanding product line.
DEADLINE EXTENDED!! Send your photo entries via email or mail by February 14, 2015 with your first and last name, company name, address, city, state, zip, telephone, email address and lens edger model (ME-1000, ME-1200 or ME-900 Lens Edger).
The more photos showing varying angles, the better! If you have any questions, please call or email (below) Michele Candiano at 631.731.1307.
Click here to send via email.
Photos via Mail: Santinelli International 325 Oser Avenue Hauppauge, NY 11788 ATT: Michele Candiano
Note: Multiple entries will be accepted. Mailed photos will be returned with written request.
Click here to view the entries & winners of the Think Outside the Box Edge Rimless Eyewear Contest, unveiled at VEW 2013.