Click Mode™ Software

Click Mode™ software allows your Santinelli lens edger to further improve your bottom line by creating customized, magnetic Chemistrie™ Lenses for virtually any frame. By selling just four per week, you can increase your profits by more than $21,000 annually.
Chemistrie™ Sunlenses
- Virtually transparent to the frame design, transforms patient's high-end Rx frames into high-end Rx sunglass frames
- Advanced alternative to bulky, adjustment-prone clip-on sunglasses
- Revenue generator — increase profits by potentially more than $21,000 annually by selling just four sunlenses per week
All You Need to Easily Get Started
Santinelli edgers are the most popular edgers used by retailers and wholesale labs in the production of Chemistrie™ sunlenses. For retailers, we offer an exclusive Retail Success Kit, which provides you with everything you need to get started:
- Santinelli Lens Edger Click Mode™ Software
- Starter Kit – supplies for 30 sets including 132 pairs of Chemistrie™ Polarized, Mirrored, Gradient sunlenses, Blue Computer lenses and 3D lenses (circular polarized)
- All-Inclusive Assembly Tool Kit
- On-site manufacturer certification and training, including Patient Selling Techniques
- Attractive, tabletop P-O-P Display
Santinelli Client Markets Chemistrie™ Sunlenses - View Video
Client Testimonials: Advantages of In-Office Finishing - View Video
Client Testimonials: Exceptional Customer Support - View Video
Client Testimonials: The Santinelli Difference - View Video
Client Testimonials: Why Santinelli? - View Video