iRx Server & iRx Satellite Software

The iRx Server & iRx Satellite, when coupled with Santinelli lens finishing equipment, creates a simple and complete package of internet remote tracing.
iRx Server
Utilized at the host or central lab location, iRx Server provides a data file management system for small to medium sized labs. The software offers seamless integration with multiple satellite locations via iRx Satellite using traditional internet connection.
- Data file management
- Simple operation screen
- Shape edit function
- Easy drill data management
- Easily customizes tracing and drill data
- Practical management of job and pattern
- Imports and exports 3-D fit data
- Supports Me 1200 and ME 900 Design Cut mode
iRx Satellite
The iRx Satellite is a Remote Frame Tracing (RFT) system which allows broadband / internet transmission of job and trace data to iRx server at the edging location, and/or internet ordering via VisionWeb.

- Satellite function for multiple retail locations
- Data archiving capabilities
- 1,000 Points of Reference per eye digitized by tracer, received, maintained and utilized by iRx Satellite for the utmost precision in lens fit
- Easily maintains tracing and drill database
- Supports Me 1200 and ME 900 Design Cut mode